Taping Techniques And Its Application On Various Musculoskeletal Problems


Mk Physio Skill Academy

About The CPD Course

This course is design to enhance the physio clinical practice and clinical outcomes. We ensure that our courses contains the latest evidence based practice material and clear all the key concepts of the course. Taping is used as one of the means of rehabilitation or prophylaxis for the prevention of injury and protection of an injured anatomical structure while healing is taking place. Taping is used for stabilizing the injured part and unload the irritable structures. Its also helpful to correct muscle action , postural Pattern and regain normal movements of the body. This course gives the knowledge about the taping techniques in various musculoskeletal conditions, its application, types of taping, indication and contraindications. After doing this course the participants can use suffix as a Certified Musculoskeletal Taping Specialist.

CPD Provider

Mk Physio Skill Academy

Mk Physio Skill Academy

<div>This academy helps the physios to empower the physios skills and enhance their clinical practice and clinical outcomes . we organize the workshop in different topics in offline and online mode. By joining our academy physios will&nbsp; update their ivory and tool of practice in academic and clinical settings as well.&nbsp;</div>

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