Our Goal

Promote and Raise CPD
Standards Globally

As a dedicated team of CPD specialists, we aim to promote quality education globally by providing support to organisations through our exceptional CPD accreditation service. This encompasses both personal and social development

Our Specialities

What makes us
the market leader?

Organisations wishing to become CPD accredited can display their commitment through membership with The CPD Quality Standards.

The CPD QS team comprises highly skilled professionals from various industries who bring a wealth of experience to the organisation.

We are well-aware of the exceptionally high standards that are expected in the content and presentation of our activities. Besides, we also envision and share passion for education and are genuinely committed to providing and upholding this concept in all of our CPD endeavours.

We assess and review the constantly-developing standards for CPD providers and ensure that the requirements are met properly by all our national and international providers.

Raise your CPD Business credibility by joining us today!

Lowest Pricing

Our pricing for getting your company and activities CPD QS accredited is lower than anywhere in the marketplace. So, join us & grow while not getting stuck in quality cost only

Well-organised Service

Our CPD QS accreditation and compliance services are delivered in a very organised way by our expert CPD professionals that you don't have to take any hassle at all

Customisation Availability

Our dedicated customer service is always there to help you out with our plans to align to your company requirements. So, with any confusion, don't delay to contact us, we’re just a call book away!

Our Principles

Ensure CPD Quality Standards

Helping businesses excel CPD standards is our ultimate goal and is what drives all our activities along. We, being a globally growing CPD accreditation provider, believe

Quality training facilitates business growth

Accredited skills gives businesses’ competitive advantages

Recognised learning aces career path and personal objectives

Quality learning is where success lies