Is Online Learning the Future of Education?

Online learning has gained a large amount of popularity over the past few years. The advancement of modern technology and the global pandemic has speeded up its popularity even further. But is online learning the future of education? This article will highlight the advantages of online learning and how it is becoming the future form of education. So, if you are an aspiring online student, a guardian, or an online tutor, this article is a must-read for you. 

What is Online Learning?

Online learning involves learning with other individuals via a virtual platform. Many people over the world prefer online learning to physical classroom learning. One of the prominent reasons is flexibility and low cost. Also, due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, people now feel it is much safer to acquire education online because there are no chances of transmission of diseases and harmful viruses. Thus, this pandemic has played a significant role in securing the popularity of online learning around the globe. 

Modern teaching methods and strategies play an essential role in successful interaction with the students. It has come up with several teaching techniques to rescue any gap between online teaching and classroom teaching. There are different online tools in online learning. Some of these tools include:

  • Zoom Calls
  • Video Conferencing
  • Live Calls
  • Live Chats
  • Skype
  • Google Classroom
  • Kahoot

These modern technologies make it easier for teachers and students to feel comfortable gaining knowledge virtually. Additionally, online learning engages more and more students, increases participation levels, and gives students space to brainstorm effectively. The quality of online learning has emerged over the years. This is because modern science and technology have advanced a lot in recent days.

Is Online Learning The Future of Education?

The answer to ‘is online learning the future of education?’ is deeply connected to the advantages. And online learning has numerous advantages. But one of the main advantages these days is that it is safer. During this deadly global pandemic and the never-ending lockdowns, it allows you to study at your own home. You are in charge of selecting your own classroom, so you need not worry about falling sick or catching any virus from others. The global pandemic has a significant effect on making online education more and more prominent for the future. Moreover, in physical classrooms, some people often face bullying or racism. This might upset some individuals and hurt their feelings very much. So, this gets entirely omitted when you do classes online. 

Another advantage is that online learning is very flexible. You can do the classes anywhere. More important. You don’t have to dress up; you could just wear your comfortable pyjamas and do the classes! You can also use up that extra time on other tasks or to finish assignments. If you want to take up a part-time job, you could do that easily since the online class schedules are quite flexible. And, wherever you have good internet service, you can access the classes and the lessons. You can access everything online, including the course materials and the recordings for each session. 

Vector illustratior showing online education study concept

Moreover, online learning requires significantly fewer materials. This makes it more cost-effective. Individuals only need to buy some e-books and have a secure internet connection to attend classes. It is not necessary to buy expensive textbooks. Also, any miscellaneous costs, such as transportation, new clothes, lunch money, etc., are also not required. Online learning also has fewer distractions. You are on your own in your comfort zone so, external noises such as gossiping, teasing, peer pressure do not come into play. 

By now, you must have realized the importance of online education and the impact it can have on the future of education worldwide.  So if someone asks you, is online learning the future of education, you can say yes without any doubt.

What is CPD Online Learning?

The complete form of CPD is Continuing Professional Development. CPD online learning allows learning to be more responsive rather than unengaging. CPD has adopted a holistic approach to learning. In these modern times, a lot of professional bodies and are being formed. Each of them signifying different professions. Therefore, organisations often require their members to prove that they were updated due to the emergence of other professions and skills. And, this is where CPD certification was needed. It helps to develop both personal and professional skills required to shine brighter in your career.

All professionals have to maintain their membership with their respective CPD certified professional bodies. CPD is not a single course or a body of learning. But, instead, it is a system for you to keep skills and knowledge up to date and in line with the requirements of your chosen profession or organisation. Most of the CPD teachings are delivered online, making the online learning system more and more popular. CPD learning can be in several forms- it can be academic, professional trainings, or even different workshops. Many professional organisations even conduct e-learning programs accredited by CPD to ensure that their employees are up-to-date with the latest laws and regulations in the profession. 

CPD Techniques in Online Learning

CPD does not follow only one particular type of technique in development. It has several techniques and ways to help people in developing themselves personally and professionally.  These techniques help people to reach their peak and unleash their hidden potential. It brushes up the current skill set and makes new skills emerge in an individual. It also maximises learning in the workplace in different ways. These techniques have also been proven very effective, and it helps in the ongoing online learning for an individual. Some of these CPD techniques include the following:

  • Self-study options.
  • Online courses.
  • Mentoring and training options.
  • On-the-job training.
  • Brainstorming sessions.
  • Engagement with other departments at the workplace.
  • Professional workshops

Online class with meeting

All these techniques are very different from each other and are unique in their own ways. However, these are all well-structured and formalised. Also, they are moulded to fit the learner’s needs and the organisations’ requirements. It is a necessity of CPD standards to follow everything according to the current laws and regulations. Although all professional bodies have varying standards and regulations, thus the CPD techniques would vary from one profession to another. 

Closing Note

Is online learning the future of education? Yes, online learning is becoming the new hit mode of education and training over the past few years. Its immense advantages and the recognition of its teachings are preferred by many. You do not need to be tech-savvy to be a pro in learning online. Some basic knowledge of the technology would do. You need a stable internet connection, and you are good to go. There are significantly fewer expenses, as mentioned above. CPD certified online learning platforms have improved the life and career of many and will continue to do so with much better options in the future.